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East Pool järjestää 27.4.2024 klo 12.00 alkaen 9-pallo kisat jäsenille, kts. tarkemmin
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Aiemmin yhteensä 2 viestiä tässä keskustelussa.

Kirjoittaja: Pepe Aika: 06.05.2013 22:37 Kiitos kaikille kuluvasta kaudesta.
Hienoa oli taas pelata kaikkien loistavien eastpool joukkueiden kanssa. Loistavaa kesää kaikille ja loistavia pelejä odotellessa.

Kirjoittaja: 2Iyj0b6P4EGX Aika: 08.05.2014 10:56 mmvo5pW5Y
Well, in a sense they were very important since they were meointned in the witches' prophecies til Birnam woods shall move to Dunsinane or something like that. So that is one example where they were important. Then, trees/bushes were used as camouflage later.Macbeth is probably one of the most studied of Shakespeare's plays. Here are a few resources that will help you with your work with it. Additionally, more than 7000 questions have been asked about Macbeth here on Yahoo Answers, so do a search for it here, and you will get more help. [external link] … [external link] … [external link] … [external link] [external link] … [external link] … [external link] … [external link] …