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East Pool järjestää 27.4.2024 klo 12.00 alkaen 9-pallo kisat jäsenille, kts. tarkemmin
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Aiemmin yhteensä 2 viestiä tässä keskustelussa.

Kirjoittaja: aatu Aika: 05.11.2011 19:33 PPB:n finaaliparit ja aikataulut
Klo 12.00

Kartza KK2 Joonas RT3
Juha BB2 Julius BB

Klo 12.20

Artsi EB1 Miika HB2
Marko RT2 Tommi RT3

Klo 12.40

Tomppa RT2 Pere TH3
Ali HB2 AP U22

Klo 13.00

Jani K U21 JV KK1
Aatu KK2 Miika RT3

Tervetuloa vaan Kapuun kannustamaan omianne !!!
t aatu

Kirjoittaja: smRjXvnhrEf Aika: 02.07.2013 17:45 yVCUVcJvL
Thanks for writing this, i do find it initresteng that while a great deal of focus was given to disabled students there appeared to be no mention of helping to make lessons more inclusive for BME students or taking into account the needs of parent learners and religious groups. Was that the case or is it just that you chose to blog the aspects of the event most relevant to your interest in accessibility..?The use of the word inclusive' in educational circles does seem to be used more to represent disability services than anything else it's quite a grrr point for our group working on the inclusive culture project at the university of hertfordshire as surely inclusive' as it relates to best teaching practice applies to every individual?