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East Pool järjestää 27.4.2024 klo 12.00 alkaen 9-pallo kisat jäsenille, kts. tarkemmin
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Aiemmin yhteensä 2 viestiä tässä keskustelussa.

Kirjoittaja:  Aika: 07.01.2011 10:07 Taikahatun parikympit 15.01.2011
Tähän asti ilmoittautuneita, eli aikasta vähän ;(
Katson tilannetta ensi tiistaihin asti, jos tilanne näyttää samalta niin kisat peruuntuu.
Väh. 16 paria pitäisi saada.

1. Kolehmainen/Levo
2. Manninen/Yrjänäinen
3. Toikkanen/Pensasmaa
4. Heittokangas/?
5. Mäkelä/Mäkelä
6. Toffa/Basti

Kirjoittaja: JJcObAaGSlL Aika: 26.03.2013 12:03 GfByhHphgpxkNfROF
Maarit, Great to hear that you are taking up this inttaiiive and providing a greener choice to your customers. Just to make a comment on your comment about Meat Free Monday. It was never meant to be an imposition and completely meat free, it was to be a choice given to your customers and a campaign for a greener airline/ planet. So when you implement this do remember to use the green angle when informing this choice to your customers so that they understand its consequences. I am happy to note that you are in spirit actually extending that choice to all days, well done:)I agree that vegetarian food cannot be all about carbohydrates, so a well thought of concept needs to be used where you get a great balance of taste along with protein/carbs/greens. Indian/Asian food is a great inspiration as we use so many different kinds of protein. I would love to send you a few thoughts and ideas, time permitting, by the end of next week.Until then .Sanjoo